NIVEA & AC Milan Put On Pre-Game ‘Sponsored Haka’ For Some Dumbfuck Reason

Oh jeeeez. People are really not happy with AC Milan. Or their sponsorships team, I suppose. 
Why? That would be because of their recent, extremely gross example of robbing indigenous communities of their culture for financial gain. 
A group of actors dressed in the Milan strip performed a really offensive version of the Maori Haka, before their recent game against Carpi. Their version included them rubbing their face and elbows, as if they were applying a cream of some kind. 
Why? Because the icky performance was part of AC Milan‘s sponsorship deal with skincare company NIVEA
Watch below, if you really wanna:
People have been losing their minds over it since the game happened:

Yo, we don’t know who approved this idea, but goddamn, they might want to consider a different industry. 
Source: Twitter. 
Photo: Twitter.