Absolutely In Awe At The Size Of This Lad

Bloody hell, look at this lad. Look at the absolute size of him. This gargantuan boy.

That is Olivier Rioux. He is from Canada. He is 12-years-old. And he is 6’10” tall.

Six feet, ten inches. Two hundred and thirteen centimetres tall. 12-years-old.

For whatever reason this incredibly large son has risen to an absurd height at a young age, and is utilising it by ruthlessly destroying every normal-sized boy in his basketball age-bracket.

It’s scarcely fair, how comprehensively he torches his opposition.

At 12-years of age, his junior league is playing on a lowered rim; just 8-feet high. Meaning Rioux is practically kissing the basket before he casually dumps the ball in.

But that doesn’t stop him from playing normally, oh no. This giant lad, this absolute towering menace, ensures he jumps for each dunk, because much like height, professionalism cannot be taught. You play hard, and you play right. No cutting corners.

Without mercy, he uses his gigantic frame to swat away shots at-will. Better yet, he stands over his fallen opponents – who are children, like him – and trash talks them into oblivion.

In every junior league there is one kid who hits his growth spurt early. But in this one, it just so happens to be via the second-coming of Manute Bol; wrecking tiny children without fear or hesitation.

There is no two-ways about it: This child is enormous, and he is ruthless. And we cannot help but support it fully.