WATCH: YouTube Legend Recreates Homer Simpson’s Ridiculous ‘Moon Waffle’

Sure, you’ve had good days. But there’s not a chance many of us have had a day as good as the one Homer Simpson had when he skipped church one frigid Sunday. Sure, it started a chain reaction of events that resulted in Homer nearly dying in a house fire. But that first day! Man, that was a corker.

Homer the Heretic,’ the classic fourth season episode of ‘The Simpsons,’ brought us the joy of a Springfield TV broadcast being interrupted to show a football game, Homer winning a radio contest with a classic Johnny Calhoun reference, and the majesty of finding a single penny.
But above all else, it’s Homer’s “patented space age out-of-this-world moon waffle” concoction that sticks out the most from the episode, what with its artery-clenching concoction of caramels, waffle batter, liquid smoke, and an entire stick of raw butter.
Binging with Babish, which is almost certainly the best thing getting about on YouTube right now, continued his trend of taking on outrageous food from TV and film by tackling first the waffle in an episode-faithful, if not waffle iron-destroying, recreation.
That things looks pretty fucked, not to put too fine a point on things. But the actual proper version he manages to slap together looks incredible. Like, stop what you’re doing and go make it now incredible. Hooley dooley.

Yes. Yes please. One of. Right into my mouth, please and thank you.
That right there is a waffle worth skipping church for. It is truly holy.

Source: YouTube.