WATCH: Triple J’s New Brekkie Team Meets Matt & Alex’s Freakishly Big Feet

Transitions are tough, folks. Particularly if you’ve gotta swan in and take over the radio job being vacated by a pretty dang beloved pair of incumbents.

So spare a thought for Ben, Liam, Brooke, and the rest of their associated gang, as they prepare to walk into the lion’s den and take over the Triple J Breakfast chairs recently vacated by Matt Okine and Alex Dyson.
The young trio takes over the job from this coming Monday, with Ben Harvey & Liam Stapleton serving as hosts and Brooke Boney as the show’s journalistic head honcho.
The Js have apparently not been shy in letting the new kids know they have some seriously big shoes to fill.
Very big shoes.
Very big.
Gaze upon Matt & Alex’s terrifyingly large feet, ye mighty. And despair.

If “copping toes to the lips” is some sort of weird ABC initiation process, then maybe a Government job ain’t all it’s cracked up to be after all.
Ben, Liam, & Brooke take over the chairs from 6am Monday morning.

Source: Triple J/Facebook.