Watch The Daily Show’s Painfully Magnificent Rant On Sexual Assault And Gender Division

If you don’t love The Daily Show at least a little bit, I’d seriously suggest checking your own pulse, for you could be a dead. The media and society-ripping magazine show helmed by the incomparable Jon Stewart frequently hits so many nails flush on the head that it could’ve built itself a town full of houses by now.
Their take on sexual assault – with a particular focus on Universities – is especially pertinent. Following a spate of colleges in the US being placed under investigation for the mishandling of sexual assault claims, Stewart and his crew took a look at the situation in typical Daily Show fashion.
It’s got everything you’ve come to expect from a Daily Show segment: Stewart reacting in increasing bewilderment to the stupefying information relayed by a new segment, followed by a cutaway to a typically great skit from Daily Show correspondents.
Except in this case it’s Stewart getting outshone completely by the FREAKING MAGNIFICENT Jessica Williams, who should be getting all of the TV show pitches thrown at her by all of the networks ever.
Key moment? The little nod to the short-sighted, ridiculous, White Knighty “Not all men” protestation.

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind the next time a guy says he wants to lick my back when I’m walking to work at eight in the fucking morning.