WATCH: Pls Enjoy These TV Anchors Trying To Decipher Secret Teen Emoji Code

There are few things greater on this earth than the media-industrial complex working with parents to try and decipher the secret language and code teens use to organise weed and sex. It is something parents have been doing since man first stood on two legs and it is extremely funny.

Today’s case in point: these Fox anchors in Seattle trying to decipher what crazy schemes teens are up to when they use emoji. Hint for parents: it’s weed and sex, as per usual. I actually have no way of verifying the accuracy of these analyses as I am not a teen, but I’m not sure a fox means ‘let’s sneak out of the house’.
One definitely accurate take –a skull, with an arrow and a fire means you want the receiver to die in a fire. Accurate for sure.
Anyway, watch it:

Source: Twitter.
Photo: 30 Rock.