WATCH: Our Minister For Women Dodged Calling Herself ‘Feminist’ On ‘Q&A’

“Do you not believe that the Minister for Women should be at least *willing* to label herself as a feminist?”

That’s the simple question Michaelia Cash found herself faced with on a gangbusters installment of Q&A, that largely swirled around the systemic inequalities faced within our nation: pay rates between genders, the rights of Indigenous Australians to avoid another ‘Stolen Generation’, and even the royal commission into sexual abuse were discussed by the chock-a-block panel. 

Still, Cash’s reluctance to assign the name to herself, despite vowing support to all the issues traditionally associated with feminism, reveals a pretty interesting duality. While it was apparent to everyone on the panel – even Alan Jones. ALAN JONES, PEOPLE – that gender equality is an A+ thing to aim for, just wearing that eight-letter badge is enough to give some people the heebie-jeebies.

Even our Minister for Women. 

Early in the piece, Cash lays her views out: apparently the name means nought to her, even if it is emblematic of literally everything she says she stands for. 

“Do I think that I can be the Minister for Women, be passionate about my commitment to gender equality, put in place policies that will ensure that as Australians we move towards gender equality, and yet not be a feminist? Or label myself a feminist? Yes, I do.”
What follows is a pretty standard pile-on, but at least our Minister for Women is, uh, actually a woman, now. Plus, helping to spearhead a $41M pledge to end domestic violence is pretty neat, too. 

Source: ABC. 
Photo: Twitter.