WATCH: Kevin The Goat’s Still Nicking Weet-Bix, Remains The Absolute Worst

We’re not about to claim Kevin the goat is the worst animal in the history of animals, but we’re not not claiming it, either. After literally ramming his amiable mate Gary and coming to international prominence for his shitty, shitty ways, owner Jimbo has given us all an update on his sitch:

He’s still a total C-bomb of a goat, for sure. 

In this video, the small horned mammal of infamy cops that one exactly five times, which is three shy of his last outing; still, peep him chowing down on a breakfast bikkie clearly meant for Gary, the ungrateful bastard. 

Then again, there’s also the deliberately ambiguous ending, which looks far more detrimental to a goat than a verbal See You Next Tuesday. Seriously, fair warning, it’s kinda hectic:

Eagle-eyed YouTubers note it’s very unlikely Kevin copped a pointy one in the neck for his antics, and that Jimbo may well have just been trimming his horns or cutting his collar. After all, goats remain the go-to Satanic symbol, and nobody wants all that power combined with legitimately pointy bits. 

An extended look at what the hell is going on will be popped up tomorrow, and we’ll find out for sure if his Weet-Bix stealing ways have finally been brought to an end. In the meantime spare a thought for Barbara. That sheep puts up with some fuckin’ shit, aye?

Source and photo: Gary The Goat / YouTube.