Watch A Trailer For Doctor Who’s New Season, In Which A Dinosaur Roams London

Officially closing the goddamned book on Malcolm Fucking Tucker, we now have our first real look at actor-in-chief Peter Capaldi as he steps into legendary shoes, becoming the twelfth incarnation of the BBC‘s iconic, and timeless, Doctor Who.

The official full-length trailer for the show’s upcoming new season gives a pretty good indication that things are taking a dark turn quickly and staying that way, which follows on from previous seasons featuring Matt Smith‘s fez-wearing, bow-tied eleventh Doctor which, at times, veered a little too far into the cutesy.
The trailer shows everything you’ve come to love about Doctor Who; daleks, a tenuous relationship with a female companion – oh, and just a little thing like FREAKING DINOSAURS WANDERING AROUND LONDON.
The new season of Doctor Who begins airing on August 23rd. Get keen, Time Lords.