Fancy Braid Goes Viral For Uncanny Resemblance To Every Veiny Dick Pic You’ve Ever Seen

dick braid

A woman with otherwise gorgeous pink hair has been absolutely ripped to shreds online because her hair, well, it looks like a dick.

I’m often mocked for my ability to see penises in regular everyday objects, but I’m certain everyone on the planet saw a big ol’ dick when they first saw this photo.

The anonymous woman’s hair was retweeted on Twitter by London blogger Stephanie Yeboah, who simply called a spade a spade. Or, in this case, a penis a penis.

First of all, the word “throbbiest” needs to be banned immediately. And second of all, yes, this is the throbbiest of penises and you cannot convince me otherwise.

The post, which was originally posted by @robertaarocha, has amassed a whopping 33k likes and 10.8k retweets since October 2. The post has also gained a string of replies from people who also saw a penis in the photo.

But it turns out the photo is actually just a surprisingly intricate braid that likely took a long time to do. The poor stylist probably didn’t realise she was turning the model’s head into a big schlong at the time, but hindsight is a beautiful thing.

Upon further inspection it’s obvious that the photo is just a head of hair, and not the head of something else, but a fancy braid just isn’t as share-worthy, is it? Stephanie sure didn’t think so.

The lesson here? Don’t learn to braid. If, like me, you’re feeling like a total pleb for barely being able to pull off a basic plait, at least be glad you’re not accidentally turning yourself into an actual dickhead.