UK Twitter Memed The Absolute Hell Out Of Keith & His 93yo Blind Mum

The polls have closed on Britain‘s Brexit vote, and clearly the inhabitants have nothing better to do than make jokes on Twitter. We, for one, are very here for it.

Voting to either remain in the European Union or leave it – exit, if you will – has brought with it strong feelings one way or the other, which could explain the response to one man’s tweet about taking his 93-year-old mother to vote.

Oh, Keith. Sweet, innocent Keith.

The good people of Twitter wasted absolutely no time in memeing you to death, to the point where ‘Keith’, ’93yr mum’, ‘took 93’ and ‘my 93’ were all trending on UK Twitter at one point.
Below, a selection for your perusal:

Naturally, things started to get pretty meta.

Everything really came to a head when Tony Blair tweeted a picture of himself holding a white piece of card, which to internet trolls is the equivalent of waving a red flag at the bull and then pointing him in the right direction.

And a personal fave:

The experience appears to have crippled Keith, who spent far too much time replying to people, set-up and posted a blog about his experience, and threatened to quit the platform entirely.

His final tweet, before possibly logging off for life, was to remind us all that whatever will be, will be.

That’s it for now, but if the story of Chewbacca mum has shown us anything, you’ll probably be able to get a pic of Keith and his 93-year-old blind mum at next year’s ComicCon.

Source: Twitter.