Two Dudes Arrested For Drilling Hidey-Holes To Stash Their Stereo Pingas

Two men have been arrested for a terribly simplistic (obviously failed) grand master plan to get pingers into Stereosonic 2015

Most of us are well aware that taking drugs into large music festivals is a pretty bad idea, but if you’re lost, here’s some reasons why:
  • There are lots of sniffer dogs. 
  • You will get arrested. 
  • Drug charges stay on your record forever. 
  • You will get arrested. 
  • People often panic-move and swallow all the pills when they see a dog, which is a bad idea because obviously you can die. 
  • You can get arrested. Or die. 
These two blokes decided to bypass the whole ‘getting arrested at the gate after sniffer dogs nab them’ thing, by hiding their pingers in Sydney Olympic Park before the area went into lockdown.
Except, rather than hide ’em up a tree or bury them underground (we’ve heard of people attempting both), these guys decided to try the loudest form of hide-and-seek: drilling holes in buildings. The police got called on them not once, but twice. Peakin’ too hard, too early is never ideal. 
The first time, police were called to the site on Friday night after Zane Raffie was observed trying to “install something [in the building] that could conceal drugs”. He fled after police confronted him; police attended his house afterwards and seized 10 MDMA pills and “a prohibited plant”. 
Then on Tuesday evening, Ali Ghoniem, was seen “acting suspiciously” – the police were called and followed him to his car, where they found 95 MDMA pills. 
Police inspector Chris Laird said this was pretty common, so the police amped up their security – and he’s getting annoyed, ya’ll.
“We know this happens so we’ve been regularly sweeping the area with drugs dogs over the last few days to make sure we find stuff before the park is fully locked down. 

“At the end of the day, if you’re planning to take drugs in, you’ll get caught. If you’ve already secreted drugs, we’ve already found them so don’t bother turning up.
Both Raffie and Ghoniem have been banned from Sydney Olympic Park, and police have stated that they will be arrested if they try to YIEW their way into Stereo. 
Ironically, this dude is (probably?) still allowed in the gates to gurn hard/wait for a mate/loudly proclaim that a DJ saved his life. 
via SMH.
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