Just 19 Good-Ass Tweets About Trump Doing A Big Whoopsie & Being Impeached A Second Time

trump impeachment memes

Donald Trump has become the first ever US president to be impeached twice. It’s very, very funny, made even better by the fact that he can no longer tweet about it. Obviously the events which led up to his second impeachment in just over 12 months were not funny, but Trump finally seeing something close to consequences? Funny. You love to see it.

Naturally, social media had a bit of a fun time following the impeachment. What else is there to do but tweet about it, read other people’s tweets, then walk around in the offline (‘real’) world with a dumb grin on your face saying holy shit it happened?

So here’s the best tweets – and a few posts from Instagram, too. Posting through the chaos? There’s simply nothing like it.

(FYI if you want to read something intelligent, then here’s our no BS guide to what happens next. Sorry, but this piece is about Posts Only.)




This one isn’t necessarily funny ‘ha ha’ but it IS funny how Republicans are so obsessed with being the victim they don’t notice the symbolism of wearing a ‘censored’ face mask while speaking into a microphone in the US Capitol.

So what happens now? Now the vote moves to the Senate, which basically acts as a trial. (It was unfortunately at this stage that Trump’s last impeachment failed to move forward. Still, the dude’s impeached. That will now always be the case.)

However, due to the timing of Joe Biden being sworn in as President on January 20, it’s unclear exactly how a Senate trial will proceed. Again, though, if you want to read the smart analysis, head here. We’re just here for the lols.

So finally, what a good tweet to end this post on: