Tracey Spicer Takes Down Media Misogynists

“This is difficult for me to put into words but if I had to, it would sound a bit like this: Fuck you. Fuck you, you misogynist bully with your archaic beliefs, intellect of a pygmy, and tiny dick.”

That arctic verbal gale is just a small sample of the ooh snap!-inducing speech that television news luminary Tracey Spicer delivered at a recent Women of Letters presentation.

Spicer’s terrifically scathing speech was an open letter to the misogynist men she has encountered during her 25-year career in the media, detailing shockingly anachronistic sexism such as the suggestion to ”stick your tits out more” proffered by one male station manager.

In another excerpt she describes how one of her news directors weighed in on her decision to return to work three months after giving birth: ”Women should be at home with their children… Anyway Trace. You’re getting a bit long in the tooth. Why don’t you give some of the younger girls an opportunity?”

Read the full transcript over at the The Hoopla and hope that such timeworn attitudes towards working (and nonworking) women have changed.