Tony Abbott Something Something D-Day Diggers Something Carbon Tax Something Gaffe

D-Day is this Friday. It’s a very important day in our military history, as it marks the day of the Allied landings at Normandy that removed Nazi Germany from France and ultimately contributed greatly to the overall Allied victory in, and cessation of, World War II. This Friday is the 70th anniversary of that day. And it’s important for world leaders whose countries were involved in that victory (y’know, us) to acknowledge that as both a momentous occasion in the annals of our proud national history, and also to solemnly remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in doing so. Most of all, it’s important to acknowledge it without overtly politicising the message whatsoever, as to do so would be gratuitous, disrespectful, and sickeningly cheap.
Thankfully for us, we’ve got a Prime Minister who wouldn’t even dream of doing that, right?

In what should have been a safe, easy, knock-it-straight-out-of-the-park home run bit of good will earning, we instead get 30 seconds of talking about D-Day and the Australian men and women involved, followed IMMEDIATELY by 90 seconds of the same kind of auto-pilot rhetoric we’ve heard time and time again from Tony Abbott.
I genuinely fear for anyone caught in Peta Credlin‘s crossfire so far today, and I genuinely fear for her own blood pressure levels.
The post was promptly taken down, but not anywhere near before the Internet saw it and “archived” it for posterity reasons.
This, precisely, is why we simply cannot have nice things.
Photo: Stefan Postles via Getty Images.