The Story Of Passover Retold Using Drake Lyrics

Of all the bizarre Jewish rituals and festivals that happen throughout the year, Passover (or Pesach) is surely the most cray cray. We celebrate escaping slavery in Egypt by not eating bread for eight days, celebrate freedom by being trapped with our extended family for the first two nights and generally get weird looks all over the place when we bring matzah to work.

The story of Passover is long and convoluted, and was recapped pretty well in the Disney film Prince of Egypt, but modern Jewish kids don’t watch Disney films. They listen to hip-hop. That’s why I decided to change up the flavour of the Seder by retelling the tale using lyrics from everyone’s favourite sensitive new age Canadian Jewish actor/rapper. It’s time to get busy.

“Started From The Bottom”: The Drake Haggadah

Words/craftsmanship by Jonno Seidler, journalist, Jew, and Drake fan who occasionally has too much time on his hands. Chag sameach and happy Passover to all those who observe.