The New TAC Road Safety Stars An Abominable Nightmare Named ‘Graham’

We’ve all seen a road safety commercial campaign that really hit home before; some of of those ads are hellish nightmares. 

But the horrors seen in previous car safety campaigns are bloody nothin’ compared to what the Traffic Accident Commission have dreamed up now. 
Meet Graham. He’s the new TAC campaign for being careful on Aussie roads. 
He’s a life-size model of “a person” who has features that would easily protect him in a car crash. 
Like a big giant helmet-like head, a distinct lack of neck, bizarrely long feet with no ankles, and HEAPS OF MINI-TITTIES APPARENTLY. 
What’d we tell you? Motherlickin’ nightmares. 
Graham‘s purpose is to create dialogue about the human body’s fragile nature. However damn strong and invincible you think you are, your body ain’t no match for a a car crash.
Clemenger BBDO is the agency behind the Meet Graham’ campaign, with Melbourne creative director Stephen de Wolf saying, 
“Humans will never catch up to our advancements in transport, so ‘Graham’ is a way for people to think about their own vulnerability and the road toll in a totally different way – a way free of scare tactics and guilt.”
Graham‘s creator (AKA Queen of Nightmares) Patricia Piccinini worked with a leading trauma surgeon and a crash investigation expert to figure out the bodily features that would be present in humans if we’d evolved to be able to withstand car crashes.
There’s a terrifying interactive website you can use to learn about all of Graham’s weird body parts, so hopefully you think about how delicate your pitiful normal one-way knees are, or how unsafe your boring AF smooth chest (that is not covered with air-sacs/tiny boobs) is.