The New Ninja Turtles Poster Is Full Of Turtle Power, 9/11 References

Well, this is unfortunate. Seems the Michael Bay-produced, childhood nostalgia-ruining reboot of the much beloved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise just found itself neck-deep in sewer water. Given the fact that the new CGI Turtles look like hulked up unripened walnuts, and other than the fact that the closing credits song is, frankly, mystifyingly goddamned awful, you’d think the production has enough to worry about as it stands without putting their foot well and truly in a great big steaming pile of radioactive ooze when it comes to marketing.

Distribution company Paramount Pictures released the latest promotional poster for the film and, well…
Just in case you don’t quite believe your own eyes, that’s a full sheet poster of the Ninja Turtles diving out of an exploding Manhattan sky scraper, coupled with an advertised release date of September 11.
I mean, there’s certain things you gently tip toe around, and then there’s things you drive four hours out of your way to avoid even the barest possibility of accidentally encountering. This is definitely the latter.
Unsurprisingly, Paramount has chosen to just kind of maybe try and sweep this one under the rug and hope it all blows over before the film comes out, at which point the noise of bad reviews should be enough to drown out any external controversy.
Photo via Imgur.