That Beautiful Brussels Cartoon Was Adapted To Include Turkey’s Solidarity

Much like after the Paris terrorist attacks, people are expressing their grief, love and support for the awful terrorist attacks that have happened in Brussels, Belgium by drawing their feelings. 

By now, you’ve probably seen this beautiful cartoon of two crying people, one wearing the French flag and one wearing the flag of Belgium, hugging one another. It also lists the dates 13th of November and 22nd of March in French – the dates of both attacks:

It was drawn by Plantu, AKA Jean Plantureaux. His political and poignant images are often featured in French newspaper Le Monde
However, a version of the cartoon by an unknown author has surfaced on social media, with another man hugging the pair while wearing the Turkish flag, with the four separate dates of terror attacks that rocked Turkey:
The image illustrates an obvious, yet necessary commentary on the West’s tendency to only care about tragedy within its own borders.
However, while the message is important, it still falls short of including Pakistan, Russia, Nigeria, The Phillipines, Bangladesh, Israel, and many more. Not to mention the regular attacks in Syria and Iraq.
Now, sharing a cartoon might not solve any of these global problems, but like it or not, it’s human nature to manifest our emotions, and bond with one another over creative outlets like music and art. 
So, Brussels needs our bonded love and solidarity at the present moment, but #PrayForTheWorld would be a hashtag to encompass all of the terror and devastations that’s occurring. And if you don’t want to pray, keep the world in your thoughts. It needs our love, compassion, empathy and strength right now. 
Source: Bustle / Instagram.
Photos: Instagram.