Teen Charged For Assaulting Police Outside Parramatta Shooter’s School

As we posted this morning, police in Sydney arrested a teenage boy on his way to Arthur Phillip High School, the same school attended by the Parramatta Police HQ shooter, Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad.

Police say that they stopped the 17 year old male student to ask him about aggressive social media posts that he had made.
It is alleged that the student shared a video of NSW police commissioner Andrew Scipione‘s press concerning the fatal Friday shooting, and then added:

“Bahahja fuck you motherfucker Yallah merryland police station is next hope they all burn in hell.”

He also posted a video of the breaking news story about Friday’s tragic shooting, adding: “Serves you right, I hope them lil piggies get shot”. Next to a recent photo of himself, he commented: “No justice, no peace, fuck the police.” 
Police allege that, during their interaction with the boy, he “threatened and intimidated” them, at which point, he was arrested outside of the school he attends, and taken to Parramatta police station.
It has now been reported by ABC that police raided the home of the boy, and after an hour of searching, two laptops and a range of other items were seized by the authorities. 
The teenager has now been charged with assaulting and intimidating police, two counts of resisting arrest and using a carriage to menace, harass and offend. He has been given strict conditional bail, and will appear in a juvenile court on November 9th. 
via ABC.