Tattooist Jailed After Inking Big Ol’ Schlong On Woman Instead Of Yin Yang

At one point or another, all of us have made a rather questionable decision, and when trying to make sense of it in hindsight… well, you just couldn’t. 
Thus is the tale of a young Austrian man who was recently jailed. His crime? Tattooing a penis on a woman’s back, when she asked for a Ying Yang
The 21-year-old ‘hobby tattooist’ sat with the woman and drew the template of the Chinese symbol with her, so she felt comfortable with the design. 
Then, when the time came, he drew a peanus instead. Dick ‘n’ balls. Ye olde todger. 
Oh, and underneath the dick he wrote the word ‘FUCK’. 
The woman in question, now having had her body defaced, took the tattooist to court where he was jailed for 3 and a half years, and will likely be held in a facility for ‘mentally abnormal offenders’. 
Possibly because when the judge asked why he’d decided to do this, his response was,
“Just because.”
SAVAGE. AS. HELL. That guy might legit be Satan
Source: The Local
Photo: Wanted.