Some “Rogue” White House Account Claims Trump Should Be Greeted W/ “306”

After his tantrum of a press conference on Thursday and ongoing, extremely desperate media survey, it’s hard to believe there’s anything President Donald Trump (urgh gross) wouldn’t do to spite journalists.
Unfortunately, making White House staff greet him with technically-incorrect Electoral College figures is absolutely not one of them.
And hey, there’s no one sadder about this memo, which went viral this weekend after being “leaked” by Twitter account Rogue WH Snr Advisor, obviously being a fake than me. 
Can you imagine how great it would be to see Steve Bannon greet Trump with a “306, Mr President. How is your day?” like a goddamn child on a walkie-talky?
“306, Mr President. Australia called again, they are not happy.”306, Mr President. Where are your pants?” “306, Mr President. No, I didn’t sneak anything weird into that executive order on the National Security Council, don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”

Unfortunately, there’s like twelve reasons the memo has to be a joke. 
Not because it’s not plausible, because we have absolutely gone past the point of implausibility, but because of minor details, such as there being no Presidential Seal of Approval, signature from Bannon, or White House stationary of any kind. It’s honestly just a word document anyone could write up.
There’s also the fact these “rogue White House staffer” accounts are a dime a fucking dozen and, with their whole schtick based on anonymity, absolutely cannot be trusted.

But hey, even with a 99.999% chance of this being a fraud, would it honestly surprise anyone if it somehow turned out to be real?
Source: Twitter.
Photo: Getty / Mark Wilson.