Scott Morrison’s Latest Move As PM Is To Share Photos Of His Awful Curry On LinkedIn

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s truly impeccable 2020 – the events of which you can read about in lengthy detail here – has continued in earnest over the weekend, with the leader of the nation taking some time out to wish the people of Melbourne well as the city continues to endure Stage 4 lockdown conditions. Of course, that message was entirely buried in amongst a much larger post about, of all things, a curry he cooked. Additionally, it was posted on LinkedIn. Normal stuff.

Morrison is no stranger to sharing his curry photos, but the shift to include his weekend culinary escapades on LinkedIn is certainly… a choice.

The social media platform most notable for low-rent start-up CEOs framing “giving staff adequate time off” as “innovative leadership” has now been graced with the Prime Minister’s Saturday night curry efforts – a pretty rudimentary Sri Lankan baduma that is dripping with MasterFoods sachet energy. The reasoning for this? Couldn’t possibly tell you.

The real kicker here is that a barely-paying-attention mention of Melbourne is included in the post, buried away in the text after bragging about how good the food he just cooked was.

If you thought a comment section on an average Scott Morrison social media post was bad, it is so much worse on LinkedIn. A bin fire. An absolute mess. Do not go there.

Quality of that food aside (bad), it’s fairly wild to consider that the Prime Minister of Australia just openly bragged about having dinner with his family before off-handedly acknowledging a city where that’s simply not possible for so, so many right now.

Then again, that’s Scott Morrison 101. A singularly-focused marketing machine hell-bent on projecting a Very Normal Man image for himself as job #1. Control the optics, stay on message, worry about everything else after that.

I’d say it’s poor leadership, but it’s got him to where his is. So who am I to argue?