Reddit Asked Men What Femme Things They’d Do & It’s Mostly Wearing Leggings

A beaut little thread has started up on Reddit, where guys are sharing traditionally effeminate things they’d love to do if it were socially acceptable and god damn, it’s just the best.

Users from across the world are posting things they wish that they could get away with which range from the understandable ‘I wish I could wear yoga pants, they’re so damn comfy’ to the more heartbreaking ones like this guy, who just wants to have a little cry sometimes.
What’s even nicer about this is that under pretty much every admission is someone else admitting that they already DO that particular thing, and they love it.
Just like user FlashCrashBash, who regularly wears make-up because it makes him feel good about himself, and dammit that’s all that matters.

You can totally beat your face like Alyssa.
The thread also provided a platform for trans men to discuss the daily struggle they have with battling gender-based stereotypes, which is actually a very important thing to wrap our heads around.
Anyway, you know what? If there’s something you’re truly curious or passionate about, just do it. Go right ahead and do that thing, no matter if it’s ~traditionally feminine~ or not. 
It’s 2017. Gender in a construct. Go for your life, mates.
Source: Reddit.
Photo: 20th Century Fox.