Reddit Is Absolutely Going Off For This Dad Who Gave A Horse Bangs

One of the best things about the internet is the wonderful access it gives us all to everyone else’s amazing and hilarious mum and dad content.

In an excellent example of this recently posted to Reddit, u/btssmgss32412, which we can only guess stands for something like ‘boy this story sure makes giggles surface somuch 32412’, has blessed us all with a classic dad story.

They explained that originally they were on their dad’s side when first hearing about what happened. “So my dad calls me the other day, says he got in trouble at the barn for cutting a horses hair and everyone’s pissed off. I felt bad for him until I got this picture from my mother.”

Any fleeting moment of sympathy you might have felt for the dad is unfortunately immediately wiped when gazing your eyes upon what he hath wrought on this horse’s head.

Just an incredibly dad thing to do. Such dadness. Was he holding a photo of Sia next to the horse as he cut?

According to the person who shared the image, the barn is a rescue facility that also boards other horses. Their parents have a horse there, and also go along to volunteer. Nice. On this day, however, they ran into trouble when for some unknown reason, the dad apparently decided hair was annoying a random horse in the barn, and took scissors into his own hands.

And according to that sign, someone named Ellen is not pleased with the new style. We are hoping it’s not the horse. You look fabulous, sweetie.