Priests Are Anointing Pets This Month If Your M8 Needs Divine Intervention

Now I’m not a religious person. Sure, I’ve dabbled in some Hillsong-esque youth groups, I’ve done a prayer to the Big Man/Woman In The Sky when kicking for a goal at my social footy games, but I’m not a rosary-beads-before-bed kinda gal.

Truly though, the closest things I think we are to pure, unadulterated perfection, a higher plane of existence, or some kind of heavenly being, are animals.

They’re precious, all-forgiving, unconditionally-loving creatures and hot damn we do not deserve them.

So yes, I am totally A-OK with the fact that every year during the Festival of St. Francis of Assisi (who was the Patron Saint of Ecology) there is a very special Blessing of the Animals.

Seriously, you can bring your lil’ cherub and have them blessed by the local priest, especially if they’ve been a particularly prolific sinner and chewed up all your charger cables in the last year.

The festival usually happens on the St. Francis feast day – October 4th – but angelic pettos who want to cop some heavenly hands can go to St. Francis Church over in Paddington on October 14th.

Don’t stress Melbourne, you can get your little mates blessed on October 28th at St. Brigid’s in North Fitzroy

Just pls try to not drink the holy water.

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