A Bloke Is Charming Horny People With The Most Wholesome ‘Porn’ Online

Porn. We all love it. Something there for everyone. Fun for the whole family. And while in previous times it might have been “frowned upon” and “in bad taste” and “technically illegal” to fire up your favourite streaming service and honk one off in any setting that’s not your own private room of shame at home, one internet clever person is taking it upon themselves to make porn videos that are accessible to everyone, at any time, in any place. And he’s doing it by being just so gosh darned wholesome.

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Ryan Creamer, real (and incredible) name, has been creating very safe for work and intensely pure “porn” videos for the past few months, which have been hauling in hundreds of thousands of views on PornHub which, when you consider how much… y’know… porn is on there, is no mean feat.

Just how wholesome? Glad you asked.

Old mate is all up on PornHub posting magnificently pure clips titled like “I Do The Dishes Without Being Asked” or “POV Forehead Kiss Compilation” or the slightly more lewd “I Hug You And Say I Had A Really Good Time Tonight And Then I Go Home.”

Honestly. Hugging! Hugging! Why I never.

Look at those views and approval rates, though. The audience, horny as they may be, is picking up what Creamer’s laying down.

There’s even a pair of slightly sexier videos for those seeking a little mid-wank encouragement or post-coital care.

Truly unbelievable stuff.

Remarkably, these efforts have already gotten Creamer verified as a proper PornHub model, and is getting him perilously close to scoring the coveted PornHub varsity jacket, usually reserved for creators with in excess of 50,000 subscribers.



Now that’s the kinda content that gets your ass outta bed in the morning, I tell you what.

Creamer’s PornHub model page can be found by this (NSFW, but only because of the related video links) link right here.

Again, we stress repeatedly: W-H-O-L-E-S-O-M-E.