Pete Evans’ Almond Preference Activates Twitter Frenzy

Although it’s perfectly acceptable (although slightly annoying) to share what’s on your plate via Instagram, if you’re a celebrity chef who takes his diet VERY seriously, according to a recent social media furore, it seems it’s best to keep your activated almonds to yourself.

Chef, Weight Watchers ambassador and fan of alkalized water, Pete Evans, shared his ‘regular’ eating habits over the weekend in Sunday Life, not only sending the internet into overdrive but confusing the heck out of internet users wondering why the fuck the whole country was discussing almond activation on Monday. Instead of inspiring others to eat healthily, it appears Evans has managed to inspire a nut flavoured meme that just won’t quit.

Evan’s interesting Extremely Complex and Unrealistic Day On A Plate’ also featured delicacies like emu meatballs, sprouted millet, sophisticated cultured vegetables and organic Spirulina.

With #activatedalmonds still popping up all over twitter even this morning we found some LOL-worthy online reactions to Pete’s diet. Not sure what’s on your plate today but we health nuts (get it – nuts. LOL!) will be activating our proverbial almonds with a bit of rule-generated champagne consumption.

Here is just a small portion size of Twitter’s response to Pete’s almond preferences…

Main image via ninemsn
Words By Nikki Brogan