Oh Get Fucked: Someone’s Trying To Flog A Bag Of “Adele Air” From Her SA Gig

In the history of terrible things to have happened, two (2!!!) people bidding on a plastic sack of air that supposedly came from an Adele concert has to be up there.

Some bloke is legit trying to flog an “Adele concert bag of air” (from her Adelaide show) for $14.95 on eBay, and two people have already pushed up the price to $15.45.

“Grab a piece of history for your Adele collection,” writes seller Shaun McDonaugh. “A true fan must have this air. Bid now for a bargain please note I’m selling a Coles sandwich bag which contains the air.”

Here’s the air:

Old mate Shaun’s profile says he’s received 100% positive feedback from 44 ratings over the last twelve months. Another way of writing that would be to say Shaun spends a lot of time maintaining his alt Facebook accounts.

The auction ends March 26, so if you’ve lost the will to live entirely, you can make a bid till then. (Yeah yeah yeah, this is probably a g-up, but tbh it doesn’t make it any less die.)

The thing is, Shaun? If you’d asked Adele nicely, she’d probably have hocked up a giant logey for you to to flip for a couple hundred. SMDH.

Photo: eBay.