Offshore Detainees Face Total Ban From Australia Under Proposed New Laws

Just when you think things couldn’t get worse for offshore detainees, the Federal Government has announced its intention to totally ban refugees and asylum seekers currently detained on Manus Island or Nauru from ever entering Australia.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the move, which aims to enshrine the government’s position on offshore detainees into law, will serve as a message to people smugglers that Australia is closed to “irregular maritime arrivals.”

Turnbull said a “harmonious” Australia relies on the government “sending a united and concerted answer to the people smugglers, that if they seek to bring people to Australia, those passengers will never settle in this country. 

“They must know that the door to Australia is closed to those who seek to come here by boat with a people smuggler.”

Legislation will be brought to Parliament next month to amend the Migration Act, barring anyone placed in offshore detention from mid-2013 from ever receiving any Australian visa whatsoever. 

Legitimate refugees are included under that proposed legislation. Those who were placed in offshore detention facilities as children are the only exemptions.

This landmark policy stance comes shortly after Amnesty International’s bombshell Island of Despair report found the Australian government and its contractors treat detainees on Nauru in a way that “amounts to torture” with the primary goal of deterring would-be refugees and asylum seekers. 
Already, the announcement has received heavy condemnation. Save The Children’s Mat Tinkler expressed similar concerns, saying “these kinds of announcements can lead to significant unrest and despair among the refugees and asylum seekers who are barely hanging on.”

David Manne of the Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre echoed that sentiment, saying the move represents a “life sentence” on innocent individuals.

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre has branded the proposed laws “racist and illegal,” and the organisation has vowed to fight their implementation.
Source and photo: ABC.