NOPE: NSW Police Warn Of Flesh-Eating Drug W/ 10x The Power Of Morphine

Cops in NSW are worried that the use of Krokodil, a drug that rots people’s flesh like some fucked up zombie bullshit, will soon be on the rise in Sydney.

Krokodil is basically codeine mixed with petrol, paint thinner and hydrochloric acid and is named after the crocodile-like texture the skin gets after repeated injection. 
It’s highly corrosive and quickly leads to gangrene, with some long-term users losing limbs to the effects of the drug. It’s cheap to make and, thanks to how easy it is to make, is often prepared in extremely unsanitary conditions.
You may know it from that weirdly popular German song about it – the chorus goes “Ich bin Schnappy / the drug that makes your arms fall off“.
It’s got a high similar to heroin and is more addictive than ice, with the police saying it becomes deadly very fast once people get addicted:
“What’s so scary about it is the precursors are readily available and they can cook it up at home, you don’t need sophisticated clandestine labs — and it’s more addictive than ice. It’s two years from addiction to death.”

The cops say that while it’s not prevalent here yet, they’ve seen usage of the drug working its way south from Russia and it’s only a matter of time before it gets here.
