Noble Punters Are Boycotting Businesses Who Cut Their Workers’ Sunday Rates

There’s a small aspect of this whole penalty rate cut debacle that doesn’t seem to have got much airtime – which is that, while the Sunday penalty rate for hospo, retail and pharmacy workers is going to take a long, slow dive starting today, no-one is actually forcing employers to pay their staff any less. 
An initiative called Save Our Weekend has jumped on this, and is successfully convincing punters to lobby their local businesses – particularly pubs, those building blocks of Australian society – to pledge that they’ll maintain their employees’ weekend wages. 
They’ve gone as far as passing out contracts and logo-emblazoned beer coasters (they clearly know their audience), and the movement has picked up quite a bit of steam. It’s really kind of inspiring. 

It’s nowhere near the kind of support you’d want the actual government to be providing to Australia’s most vulnerable and hardest-working people, but it does go a little way to warming the cockles of one’s heart. 
We’re with you, weekend workers of Australia. In the meantime, seeing as our policy makers have decided that Sundays aren’t really that important, let’s get in touch with them next weekend, yeah?

Yeah, right.
Source: Twitter.
Image: Twitter / @Annerley_Labor.