New Matilda Writer’s Attempt To School Clem Ford On Feminism Ends Badly

There’s more than one way to skin a misogynist, but if recent events have taught us anything, it’s that Clementine Ford has mastered them all.

They include, but not limited to: writing about feminism, calling out sexism and misogyny, naming and shaming online abusers, and holding said abusers accountable. Literally every step she takes brings the misogynists out of the woodwork like penis-wielding termites, to the point where if she ordered a takeaway coffee it would probably come back with ‘man hater’ scribbled on the side.

Her recent piece calling out (yet again) her online abusers (which resulted in one of them getting fired from Meriton Apartments) has ‘inspired’ an op-ed entitled ‘Why Courageous Clementine Ford Is Not The Answer‘, published by New Matilda.

“I am a man and I am a feminist,” begins writer Jack Kilbride, getting that one cleared up asap.

“I wholeheartedly condemn the actions of the men who have threatened and abused feminist writer Clementine Ford,” he continues, then, a few paragraphs later, to further cement his position firmly on the side of feminists:

“There are men, like myself, who are feminists and believers that true equality to women is paramount to our future. We are not the people that need convincing. We are not the people assaulting our women in the streets, scoffing at calls for equal pay, or abusing writers on the internet. We are already on your side.”

[Dramatic line break]

“Then there are other men.”

The rest continues in the vein of ‘guuiiyz, don’t harass the misogynists, E-D-U-C-A-T-E them, Emma Watson had the right idea’, which is right now reaching its inevitable conclusion, a.k.a. getting the shit taken out of it on social media.

At the time of writing, Jack Kilbride and Clem Ford are both silent (but, to be fair, Jack has tweeted a grand total of 112 times and is a University of Melbourne student, so it’s not exactly out of character), but New Matilda’s National Affairs Correspondent Ben Eltham has come out against the piece:
Image: New Matilda.