Tiny Child Drags Uncle To Fiery Pits Of Hell With Blisteringly Savage Sledge

In the media game you see a lot of brutal things, but seldom have we ever seen anything as unfathomably brutal as this. An 8-year-old child from the US state of New Jersey has set the new high water mark for roasting thanks to an ungoldy sledge levelled against her own Uncle, as an escalating prank war attains ferocious levels.

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Ryan Perry documented the barb his daughter levelled at her Uncle yesterday; the latest barb in a reportedly back-and-forth prank war that, by all rights, should leave the unnamed uncle little alternative but to pack up and leave town.

In the middle of the night, outside his own house, Perry’s daughter penned in her Uncle’s car in chalk, before labelling the suddenly-distinct parking spot with the mother of all burns.

Dear god. Dear GOD. That man has a family! And it’s YOU, young lady!

The sheer heat coming off a barb like that. You just do not see it anywhere. That poor man would have awoken in the morning only to find that, overnight, his name had been changed to the inglorious title Mr. Fart.

There’s no coming back from that. There’s not even any trying to come back from that. It’s game over. Lights out. An absolute killshot.

After Perry bragged about his daughter’s brutal avuncular takedown on social media, punters weighed in with their own assessments. The verdict? Universal. Ring the damn bell, ref.


Rest easy, Mr. Fart. Felled by a sledge that let the entire world know the devastating truth: That he loves doing big farts.