Very Good Boy Saves US Family From Huge Fire That Destroyed Their Home

A very smart and precious dog by the name of Milo has 100% won the Good Boy Award, after he woke up his humans in the middle of the night to bork at them about a fire that had sparked in the garage.

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Speaking with local Minnesota news KBJR6, Dave and Carrie Hansen regaled the story of how sweet Milo, their adorable chocolate pit bull, saved them from a house fire that quickly tore through the house the couple were renovating, leaving them with over a million dollars in damages.

Milo woke up Carrie last Sunday night, and after she tried to shoo him away from the bed, she noticed the room was filling up with smoke. Following Milo to the garage, Carrie and Dave attempted to put the fire out themselves but had to leave the house when the fire spread dangerously close to Dave’s torch tanks and welder.

He was up in her face, trying to get her to wake up. She was telling him to go back to bed. Finally, she noticed it was smokey in there. He ran to the garage, she followed him and it was solid smoke in there.

The couple watched on as the fire burned through their home with nothing but what they were wearing and Milo, the good boy, beside them.

Look at the face of that very good boy! He’s so smart, and despite losing all their material possessions, sweet angel Milo is safe after being the biggest hero, and Dave admits that he probably wouldn’t have gotten out of the house in time if Milo hadn’t woken them up.

Since the fire, the couple’s daughter has set up donation pages to get the family back on their feet and tbh I hope a healthy amount of that money is going to buying lots of snacks for Milo, the very good boy.