Lorde’s Fans Staged A Really Nice Counter-Westboro Baptist Church Protest

At what point does Australia do that thing – y’know, where we claim successful New Zealanders as our own – with Lorde? The totally badass Kiwi caught wind of the buzzing mosquito on the face of the world that just can’t get to sleep while it’s still in the room, the Westboro Baptist Church’s plans to picket her recent show in Kansas City, and reacted in a pair of (since deleted) Tweets.

Perhaps it was the recent passing of Church patriarch, Fred Phelps. Perhaps the impending Lorde show just had everyone in a really, really good mood. Or perhaps there was just something a little special in the air in Kansas that night. But Lorde’s fans staged a counter-protest that, instead of matching the WBC’s toxic vitriol, was full of love, support and positivity.
The whole ordeal began originally when the WBC sent a press release signalling their intentions to picket the Kiwi teen’s show. The release is quite a thing in and of itself, containing memorable quotes such as “This young lady, hailing from New Zealand and carrying an idolatrous attraction for worthless human “royalty,” has been done a grievous disservice by the adults in her life,” and even “WBC will help you by clearly telling you the duty of young women – and you can use your platform to likewise train the young people who follow you.” And even included a PARODY OF ROYALS THAT THEY ACTUALLY RECORDED AND HOLY SHIT IT’S SO HILARIOUSLY BAD.
(TRIGGER WARNING: Bad singing/religious bigotry content)
So the fans turned up in droves brandishing signs to counter the WBC’s tired old shtick. But instead of being nasty or hate-filled, they were sweet, kind and wholly beautiful.
A wonderful sentiment, straight from the good book of Bill and Ted, and preaching life’s one great rule: Be excellent to each other.
Photo: Neilson Barnard via Getty Images.