Liberal MP Accidentally ‘Marries’ Same-Sex Couple In Pre-Election Letter

The possibility of a same-sex marriage plebiscite has, understandably, become a massive influence on the way many Aussies will vote next Saturday. 
To some, it’ll be a shining beacon of democracy and proof of politicians exercising the people’s will; to others, it will be a multi-million dollar waste that will only demonstrate what we already knew: Australia is on-board with marriage equality. 

So, in the lead-up to the election, it seems pretty bloody important that candidates keep their policy positions on point – especially in seats like Barton in NSW, where Liberal incumbent Nickolas Varvaris has (literally) lost ground to his Labor opponent.

References to hot topics like marriage equality need to be carefully vetted in campaign mailouts… and you better make sure those mailing lists are kept in check.

Otherwise, you end up accidentally ‘wedding’ same-sex couples, as Dayle Bennett and partner Andrew Wilmot demonstrated in a Facebook post last night:


PEDESTRIAN.TV got in touch with Bennett (Dayle, that is), and he was the first to admit the chuckle-worthy title stuff-up was probs just the result of a simple database error. 

Regardless, Bennett said he “thought it was honestly ironic and funny at first, hence the Facebook post.

“But after some thought, I recalled the other MPs for Labor and the Greens had sent letter too, but addressed with both of our names correctly. This coupled with the fact that he was the Liberal MP frustrated and annoyed me.”
FWIW, Varvaris has spoken quite vehemently in favour of traditional marriage in the past, and this perspective is definitely something Bennett is keeping in mind. He said “MP Varvaris’s stance on gay marriage will influence my vote,” along with his party’s “views on a plebiscite being the best solution, which I think is a waste of money.”
On the heart of the issue, Bennett said 
gay marriage is “a fundamental right which I do not have.”
“I cannot choose to marry the person I love because he is man. How am I considered equal to my peers if I do not share the same rights?”

So, to all would-be pollies: if you’re gonna stick up for policies that have been roundly criticised, make sure you don’t accidentally give would-be voters ironic reasons not to tick your box on election day. 


Source: Supplied.
Photo: Facebook.