Leslie Jones Tears Her Hacker Trolls A New One In Ruthless ‘SNL’ Rant

Leslie Jones has the best tactic of dealing with dropkicks who hacked her computer and leaked her private photos. 

 made a badass statement on SNL over the weekend, coming out all guns blazing and telling everyone that all they had to do to see her naked was “just ask.”

“I don’t know if y’all know this about me but, I ain’t shy…I am an open book. I keep my porn in a folder labelled ‘porn’.”

She made sure to let the idiots who hacked and trolled her recently know that they hadn’t embarrassed her – she’s done that enough herself in her life.

“You can’t embarrass me any more than I have embarrassed myself. I know all the details, ‘cos I was there.”

Jones went on to tell stories of times in her life that she’s been more embarrassed than after her photos were published. 

From being hit with a rock from a schoolyard crush to Prince mistaking her for Chris Rock – she’s seen it all. 

She’s even had a woman swing a shovel at her because Jones unknowingly took her spot at the bus stop – and tore shreds off her online bullies by adding that “trolls ain’t tapping on keyboards, they swingin’ shovels.”

“If I was good at computers I wouldn’t waste it trolling on people, I would do something useful, like renew my drivers license from home. I’d hack Tinder and delete all those other girls’ profiles so no matter where you swipe, you gonna get me.”

If there’s anyone to smack down online trolls and keyboard warriors, we’re glad as hell it’s Leslie Jones.
Source: SNL.
Image: Will Heath/NBC.