Star Wars Fans Are Pulling Their Dacks Up To Their Nips To Be Kylo Ren

It’s 2018 and we’ve still not let go the concept of challenging each other to do ridiculous things and upload them to the internet. Will we ever learn? Unlikely.

At the close of 2017, we were gifted with the Kylo Ren Challenge – where people were hiking their pants up as high as they could, in an attempt to look like Kylo Ren in ~that~ scene. You know the one, where he looks a bit like a slab of spam neatly tucked into a pair of high-waisted trousers. The man’s thicc, and he’s got no discerning waist.

Yeah, you know the one.

As someone that hasn’t seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi beyond a couple of stills like the applaudable brick shithouse above, I still take great satisfaction in watching people give themselves year-five-playground-level wedgies to get their pants up around their nipples.

Potentially sparked by extremely online guy, John Mayer, the trend of the Kylo Ren challenge has folks uploading selfies showing off their torsos, and looking like they want to take over the universe with their thousand-yard glare and hunched over, holding-their-buckets posture.

Sit back and let the content wash over you, mates. It’s all we can do.

It’s certainly a look, isn’t it?

Yeah ok this little fella’s a bit cute.

I mean, the pants aren’t even the right colour and I’m pretty sure Kylo Ren doesn’t go snowboarding much but points for trying.

This bloke gets a good nod of approval for being true to the story and including a black bandage, like he’s also been attacked by Chewbacca and his Bowcaster. Also the wig is v. good. Commendable effort.

I give this fifteen mins before it gets reported because we all know womens’ nipples are absolutely illegal and rude.

I didn’t even know they made trousers that go this high.

Is that your dad?

Using a barbell as your lightsaber? Molto bene. *kisses fingers elaborately*

Double Ren, extremely good.

Look at this fresh-ass Baby Ren. LOOK.

May the new year bring us the content we don’t necessarily need, but absolutely deserve. The higher the pant, the closer to the Force.