Kevin Rudd Gets Propositioned To Skype With US University

A university lecturer from Virginia Tech in the United States has requested former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to join his class for a live Skype session. Professor John Boyer (who you’ll note is wearing a plaid jacket) and his World Region Geography class-members made Mr Rudd this invitation-by-video because he’s “the most socially networked and the most digitally interactive politician on the entire planet” – or, as I like to call it, unemployed. Only kidding you guys! Actually, Kevin Rudd’s lofty social media skills were recently sanctioned by the Australian Financial Review with the article ‘Kevin Rudd: my secret tips on Twitter‘.

In any case, this is high praise for the former PM who, as we can confirm from personal experience, has an unusually high level of direct engagement with his followers on social media (particularly compared to many other politicians whose Twitter profiles are clearly run by social media minions within their “camp”). Watch the video below in which Professor Boyer and his class give Rudd a standing ovation and offer him a “beeyah” in exchange for his time.

Mr Rudd has replied (by Twitter, naturally):