Biden Called Trump A ‘Clown’ In The Presidential Debate And We’re All In The Circus Now, Bitch

If you haven’t been watching the currently on-going US Presidential debate, that’s probably for the best. The entire thing has been, not to put too fine a point on it, a big fucken mess. Between President Donald Trump and opponent Joe Biden, the entire debacle has been one giant exercise in two powerfully old men rambling over the top of one another. And unsurprisingly it’s been Trump that’s the main antagonist in this regard.

Trump’s interrupting and talking over Biden appears to be the President’s main strategy for the debate; eschewing policy outlay for simply shouting over Joe until his old ass brain caves in. Which it has done, frequently.

Biden’s exasperation with Trump has been plain as day all throughout the debate, repeatedly wishing out loud for some clean air to speak.

But the whole thing reached a peak with Biden – out loud, on internationally broadcast TV – calling the US President a “clown.”

With moderator Chris Wallace struggling to gather control of proceedings, Biden reacted to being given a dedicated block of time to speak by asserting “it’s hard to get any word in with this clown.”

Wildly enough, that wasn’t even the first time Biden called Trump “clown” in this debate. Earlier, Biden directly addressed the camera in asserting “folks, do you have any idea what this clown’s doing?” while Trump rambled about US health care.

And in scenes you simply would not believe – even if you tried – the internet and social media has had an absolute field day with it.

This brouhaha comes mere hours after the Trump campaign prematurely emailed supporters claiming victory in the debate several hours before it even began.

As for who actually “won” or “is winning” the debate, it depends. Does anyone really win in a mud pit fight featuring two old ass farm hogs sloshing around over a half rotten steak?

I don’t know, man. It kinda feels like everyone’s taking a big fat L with this one, no matter what side of things you sit on.