It Took Two Days Too Long But VIC Taxis Has Sacked #YourTaxis PR Agency

The Victorian Taxi Association has at last seen sense, and unceremoniously sacked the PR agency responsible for the YourTaxis social media disaster.

It’s not like the agency couldn’t have seen this one coming. On their advice, the VTA undertook a social media campaign that seemed to forget their #1 rule of social media campaigns: you can’t control the audience.

Disgruntled passengers who’d just about had it up to here with taxis used the #YourTaxis hashtag to describe their experiences of sexual harassment, verbal abuse, fair hikes, abandoned trips, rancid smells, and just straight-up bullshit service. 
“Our intention was to engage with the community and open a direct dialogue with customers about their experiences using Victorian taxi services so we could make genuine changes to improve the experience, safety and security for our customers,” VTA CEO David Samuel said.

“Unfortunately, the YourTaxis campaign concept and its delivery did not match out intention. We were aware of many of the issues that passengers face but the campaign concept and delivery showed us the true extent of their concerns. We take full responsibility for the campaign and will be undertaking a full review of our strategy.

“As a result we have made the decision to part ways with our agency.”

It took the VTA all of two days to dump the PR agency for their no good, very bad advice on a campaign, which managed to out-do itself on Day 2 with a tweet so misguided it beggars belief:

Two days is too long, imho.

It appears that YourTaxis’ rampant insistence that the campaign was “not a failure“, but “a great opportunity for us to talk about our service with customers” was not shared by the VTA, who admits that although the agency was responsible for the campaign, they should have vetted it, and are therefore responsible.

The VTA are now getting their act together and taking action to address the 4,000+ complaints made, before Uber wipes the whole bloody lot of them out.

RIP YourTaxis. We hardly knew ya.