The Insta Feed That Roasted Marc Fennell’s Shirts Gloriously Un-Retired

2015 was a much simpler time. All the celebrities we held near and dear to our hearts weren’t dead. Politics was only slightly less completely batshit insane. And every night the sartorial choices of Marc Fennell‘s voice were meticulously documented and critiqued by a shrewd and hilarious Instagram feed.

Marc Fennell Outfits made its name by highlighting, and thoroughly baking, the shirts that Fennell wore on each individual episode of SBS‘s The Feed.

Beautiful stuff. That, folks? That right there is quality content.

Sadly, at the conclusion of 2015, the account retired, leaving Fennell and his fashion choices to go about their business un-critiqued.

That is, until today.

For reasons we are unable to confirm, the account has fired back to life today, delivering footage of Fennell in a salmon pink shirt on the ABC show Screen Time. And not only that, it delivers the kind of roast that only 2 years of inactivity could’ve built up to.

My god, it’s staggering.

Marc, 100% love your work brother. But get absolutely fuckin’ REKT, m8.


The accompanying hashtags suggest the account is still retired on an on-going basis, but sometimes you just gotta leap outta the tall grass and land a stiff jab before disappearing again. Just to keep everyone on their toes.

Watch your back, and your wardrobe, Fenno.