Ian Thorpe Just Launched A Pool Cleaning Service & Oh God Is This A Prank

The Editorial Department over here at PEDESTRIAN.TV fields a fair few tips from our beloved readers, and other mystical entities who share our lovely wavelength. 
Keep them coming. You are us, we are you, and this symbiotic thing we’ve got going on is just great guns. 

Yet, every now and again, we come into possession of some utterly WTF material that somehow transcends our understanding of the world.

For example, we received an email today asking us if we were in a position to export a bulk shipment of potatoes. Truly. But this? This is on another level. 

This is… this is Thorpedo Pool Cleaning. It’s dramatic. It has an unnervingly high production value. It’s oddly sensual. Dive in:

Thorpedo Pool Cleaning from Kerry Lim on Vimeo.

Honestly, at this point, do we dare ask? Is there anything of value to be gained by poking this beast? What kind of almighty gee-up does this slice of Twilight Zone weirdness belong to? 

The website currently links to an ominous countdown. Whatever it is, we’ve all got about two days to prepare ourselves.

God help us all.

Photo: Vimeo.