How To Get 2017 Back On Track If Your #NewYearNewYou Goals Were A Flop

We’ve teamed up with Western Sydney University to help prevent your mid-year crisis with their Mid Year Information Day on May 20. It’s never too late to get back on track for 2017.

It’s that time of year where we reflect on what’s been achieved (or lack thereof) and look, it’s a bugger of a thing. 

Somehow our grand plans for 2017 have been pushed aside as other nuisances became priority, and it can be enough to write off the year altogether and hope for better luck in 2018 – kind of like starting a diet the next Monday because you screwed it up that week. 

Rather than let that defeatist mentality take over and delay your path to greatness, there are ways to get your butt back on track and fast. Listen up, take note and action. 


When I was younger I wanted to marry Taylor Hanson (you remember him) so I’m all about dreaming big. But look, this wasn’t realistic – namely because I was six and he was 14, among other things – which only set me up for disappointment.

A ridiculous example, sure, but my point is that failure’s never fun and can get you off track if you’re not achieving anything. Look at your goals and make sure they’re actually in arm’s reach before putting any time and energy into attaining them.

Still a babe imo


The smaller the goal the easier it is to achieve, and consequently they work as positive reinforcement for those bigger goals. It’s honestly one of the oldest tricks in the book for productivity and managing stress levels – while it can be overwhelming to think of how big a project or goal can be, once broken down it’s less overwhelming.

Say someone wants to lose 20kg – that might be achievable, for sure, but the sheer number alone can be a little off-putting. Five kgs this month? That’s more likely to get you results quicker and keep you on track for the bigger goal. If you set a 5kg goal every month for the next four months that bigger goal has been reached, incrementally. 

If you wanna have a degree but get overwhelmed by the thought of three-five years studying, again, it needs to be broken down. Start by attending an info day to get yourself organised. Then looking at applying. Then break your goals down by semester. Western Sydney University are holding their Mid Year Information Day on May 20 if you wanna get the ball rolling and get ahead by starting your degree mid year.

It’s just about making that light at the end of the tunnel visible from the get-go.


Nothing in this life gives me more satisfaction than ticking something off on a to-do list, and that’s either horribly tragic or really saying something. Compartmentalising your ambitions is a great way to not go crazy-hard on yourself.

For example, not even the best go-getters can land a new job, save money, enrol in study, kick off their side-hustle, get a new couch and so forth all in one hit. Focus on one first, so that you can tick it off and move onto the next clear-headed. 


If you want to keep your goals front of mind then you best keep them front of face too – by that I mean you need visual reminders so you can’t forget what you’re working towards. It’s just like having study post-it  notes on your mirror during exams, except with more of a purpose than a mark literally no employers will ever look at.

Keep your to-do list on your fridge, bedside table and even set it as your screensaver on your phone.


There’s no room to be modest when you’re kicking goals left, right and centre. When someone gives you the nod for good work you’ve done, own that achievement like it’s your firstborn rather than brushing it off as if it’s nothing.

The more praise you get and the more you relish in it, the more you’ll be motivated to keep going forth. If you are really not one to gloat, then offer yourself lil’ rewards.

For example, whenever my account balance goes over a certain number I treat myself to a big purchase, like an exxy piece of clothing, a big ol’ night that’ll warrant a massive Foodora order the next day or a new bedspread (because as you get older, that somehow became froth-worthy).


You’ve gotta check yourself before you wreck yourself, so take a step back and remember the reasons behind your goals.

Wanted to take up a course this year? Give that purpose. Maybe it’s because you always wanted to work in a certain profession and those are the steps you need to get there. Wanted to get rid of toxic mates? Maybe it’s because they’re holding you back from certain things in your life.

Once you remember the bigger reason behind every smaller goal you’ll feel much more motivated as they become bigger life changes, rather than bubby decisions. 

No matter where you’re at with your 2017 goals at the moment, it’s important to remember you’ve still got a whopping eight months left. That’s a long time – you can grow 3/4 of a baby in that period so you’ll bet your butts you can kick some goals.

You haven’t missed the #NewYearNewYou boat. 

Photo: Bridget Jones’s Diary.