Gen Y Hijacks #HowToConfuseAMillennial To Rip Boomers For Destroying World

Millennials are clapping back on Twitter after a hashtag designed to shame them as technology-dependent generation backfired spectacularly.

The Twitter hashtag game account @HashtagRoundup (yeah, those exist) asked its followers #HowToConfuseAMillennial, and the responses were utterly predictable. You know – “take away the remote!” like we’re not watching Netflix anyway, and “turn off the WiFi!” like you know how to do that in the first place.

Millennials: never watched 80s movies, never heard of 80s movies, believe film began with Spice World in 1997.

Blaming millennials for the worlds’ ills is an extremely tired trope, not least because it was ~so obviously~ all the Boomers’ fault in the first place. #Fact. Think teens today are taking too many selfies? Cool, judge them from the house you bought on a single wage.

Anyway, the youth on Twitter had not a lot of time for this kind of condescending roast, and so they returned fire with fire. If you are not on the smallest of the Big 4 SocMed platforms, here is what your youth representatives are saying on your behalf:

The war is still raging over on Twitter, if you want to jump into the fray. Alternatively, sit back and do literally anything else with your life.

Photo: Getty / Jeff Kravitz.