Frozen Sharks Wash Up On US Beaches, Definitely Seem Like Sign Of Apocalypse

frozen shark

It’s so dick-shatteringly cold in the United States at the moment that literal frozen sharks have been washing up on beaches in Massachusetts – but sure, let’s hear more about how climate change isn’t real.

At least three dead thresher sharks have been found by the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy in Cape Cod Bay south of Boston over the last three days.


While two appeared to have become stranded thanks to “cold shock“, one was completely frozen through.

The organisation released a statement that said, in part:

This shark was too frozen to attempt a necropsy … a true sharkcicle.

gotta dance to keep warm, buddy

They also said that it was likely that the sharks had been attempting to reach warmer waters before getting snagged in the “hook” of Cape Cod.

It’s a record-breaking cold snap in the States – the average minimum temperature in Cape Cod in December is usually about 1C, but it’s likely to get down to -12C in the next few days. So, y’know:

Turtles have also been among the creatures battered about by sub-zero temperatures, with a bunch of them having to be rescued from the freezing water after suffering from cold-stun.

Is this a sign of the end of times? It’s certainly something to bring up the next time your cousin Dylan starts blithering on about how climate change isn’t real. We’re dealing with frozen sharks here, my friend. Sharkcicles, Dylan! SHARKCICLES.