Dude Convinces Thousands To Pray For Dog Afflicted With Ham On Its Face

The internet, on several occasions, has left us questioning our faith in humanity’s intellectual integrity. 

Exhibit A:
If you actually believe that punching the like button is going to force the Messiah to stomp out all evil in the world then you need to take a good, hard look at yourself/punch yourself in the face. ASAP.
Calling upon the web’s finest, Stephen Roseman uploaded an image of a dog with the caption: 
“This poor dog was badly burned and disfigured trying to save his family from a house fire
One like = one prayer
One share = ten prayers”
Although great minds may think alike, more prominently does it seem that absolute fucking dumb-asses flock. 
Here’s the post:

This poor dog was badly burned and disfigured trying to save his family from a house fireOne like = one prayerOne share = ten prayers

Posted by Stephen Roseman on Wednesday, December 23, 2015

As we’re hoping you can clearly see, it’s just a photo of a dog with ham on its face. However, for thousands of other Facebook users, they took the caption as bible and shared their hopes of recovery for the poor pooch. 
Then, miraculously, people started seeing the light. 
And then they started getting all self-righteous.
*smacks hand against face*
Story: Jacob Siegal / BGR.
Image: Stephen Roseman / Facebook.