Diana Cleans Up Masterchef 2017 After A Truly Insane Final Pressure Test

MasterChef is the cruellest reality TV show around. Every Australian watching tonight’s finale was a participator in a modern-day Colosseum audience, only instead of gladiators fighting lions or each other with tridents and swords, we watched two extremely likeable regular people attempt to maintain their mental and emotional integrity in the face of heartless, maniacal producers hopped up on a potent mix of ratings and coverture chocolate. 

Trio of Chocolate Fruits” my unculinary arse – those three little desserts are Satan‘s own testicles (obviously the lord of the underworld would have three balls, do not @ me about this). 
Ben and Diana were nearly neck-and-neck when they went into the final challenge, with Ben on 54 and Diana on 57 points. But this fucken fiddly fruit bullshit broke them. They both fucked up their apple liqueur. They both cried. They both looked like they were seriously considering hurling themselves into a Thermomix and ending it all. 
But someone had to win the ludicrously lucrative prize for 2017 ($250,000 and a regular writing gig for Delicious magazine!), and that someone was Diana, by a single point – 90 to 89. Lucky she’s good at cooking shit other than insanely fiddly fruit-shaped confections, because if she and Ben had gone into the final pressure test on even footing, he would have wiped the floor with her (I’m not saying that he was robbed. But in my professional opinion, he was ROBBED). 
It was another nailbiting, face-clawing, panicked-ice-cream-eating season of a genuinely outstanding TV show that should nevertheless be cancelled and all its creators jailed for war crimes against the psyches of their contestants. Australia ate up every moment. 

(This moment was so beautiful. I want these two to get married.)

As always, it’s OG MasterChef winner Adam Liaw who has the best takes on this whole tragicomic debacle:

Enjoy, Ben and Diana. We hope you never have to make anything fruit-shaped ever again. 

Image: MasterChef.