Dentist Who Killed Cecil The Lion Cops Internet’s Wrath Via Yelp

Slaughtering an animal and bragging about it via social media is a sure-fire way to end up on the Internet’s shit list – a place you really don’t want to be. 

Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer is clueing onto just how tough it is at the top after killing Zimbabwe‘s beloved Cecil the Lion, who was reportedly “lured out of a national park with food, shot with a crossbow, tracked for 40 more hours, then finished off with a gun,” according to the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force
Cementing his assholery is the fact that the guy paid US $50,000 to put a bunch of arrows through the 13-year-old majestic creature.


As if there’s some way to make that ok, Poacher Palmer says he and his hunting partner were under the impression they “had the proper legal permits” and “had hired several professional guides.”
Everyone involved in the sad affair is currently facing poaching charges, but the internet wasn’t going to let Palmer get off without a real good lashing – oh no IT WAS NOT.
Just so every prospective patient of his dental practice River Bluff Dental is good and clear on the fact Palmer is a Trophy Hunter, a bunch of people have been bombarding its Yelp page with all kinds of lion-murdering-references: some we don’t condone because of their violent nature, but a lot we do. 
Like these ones:
But most especially this one:
Yelp has started to delete a lot of the content but it keeps proliferating because, justice.
‘Onya, Internet.
Images via Yelp.